Nurture Nature: Sponsor a Tree and Help Preserve Our World

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Urgent Nature
₹ 3,29,903
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As our world faces increasingly urgent environmental challenges, it's important that we all do our part to help protect the planet. That's why we're launching the "Nurture Nature" campaign, a environment conservation initiative that will help preserve our world for generations to come. By sponsoring a tree through our campaign, you'll be making a direct impact on the environment. Your donation will go towards planting and nurturing new trees in areas that have been affected by deforestation, climate change, or other environmental factors. These trees will help to reduce carbon emissions, provide vital habitats for wildlife, and support the health of local ecosystems. So why wait? Join the "Nurture Nature" campaign today and make a real difference for our planet. Your sponsorship will help to preserve our world for future generations, one tree at a time. Our campaign is committed to transparency and accountability, and we will provide photogenic proof with gps coordinates of our tree-planting projects. You can be confident that your donation will be used effectively to support environmental conservation and sustainability.

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A green plant will be planted in target area with name and picture of donor on it



  • Rs. 101/Plant

    A green plant will be planted in target area with name and picture of donor on it

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Project Description: The goal of this project is to plant and nurture new trees in an area that has been affected by deforestation, climate change, or other environmental factors. By reforesting this area, we aim to restore the health of the local ecosystem, reduce carbon emissions, and provide vital habitats for wildlife.

Project Objectives:

  1. Plant 1,00,000 new trees in the target area.
  2. Give photogenic proof to our donor.
  3. Contribute to climate change mitigation efforts by reducing carbon emissions.
  4. Support local communities and economies by creating jobs and stimulating economic growth.

Project Activities:

  1. Conduct a site assessment to determine the most suitable tree species for the target area.
  2. We plant trees as we received donation from single donor
  3. Secure necessary permits and permissions from local authorities.
  4. Source and transport tree seedlings to the planting site.
  5. Conduct community outreach and education to raise awareness about the importance of tree planting and environmental conservation.
  6. Recruit and train local workers to assist with tree planting and care.
  7. Plant trees according to the established plan and schedule.
  8. Monitor and evaluate the project's impact on the environment and local communities.

Project Timeline: The project will be implemented over a period of 60 months, beginning in April,2023 and ending in March,2028. The timeline for specific project activities will be developed in conjunction with local partners and stakeholders.

Project Budget: The total project budget is estimated to be Rs.1,01,00,000. This includes costs for tree seedlings, equipment and materials, local labor, and monitoring and evaluation. The budget will be managed transparently and in accordance with established financial procedures.

Expected Project Outcomes:

  1. 1,00,000+ new trees planted in the target area.
  2. Increased biodiversity and improved habitat for local wildlife.
  3. Reduction in carbon emissions through the sequestration of carbon by the planted trees.
  4. Creation of new jobs and economic opportunities for local communities.
  5. Increased awareness of the importance of environmental conservation and tree planting.





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Ihskas Foundation

Photographic Proof

Ihskas Foundation

Sponsor's Name